Exercising & Sokol Movement
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© 2014 Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања, Универзитет у Београду | Благоја Паровића 156 | 11030 Београд, Србија | +381(11)3531-000 | контакт |
Curriculum |
Curriculum has a total of 22 required (19 one-semestral and 3 two-semestral) and 17 elective subjects. Student must pass an exam in 32 cases, including professional practice within the subject, as well as making the final work. Within the program of study subjects were classified according to type: general-academic education, vocational and technical-application items. Given the focus to training for practical work, students perform practice in sports clubs, representative teams, sporting events in the sports federations. Elective courses of study are grouped into five electoral blocks and studied in II, III, IV, V and VI semester. Of the total number of ESPB points of the study program Sports (180), general-academic subjects are evaluated with 29 points (13.62%), professional with 84 points (39.44%), professional application with 100 points (46.95 %) and the final work of three points, and elective courses are evaluated with 40 points (23.89%).