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© 2014 Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања, Универзитет у Београду | Благоја Паровића 156 | 11030 Београд, Србија | +381(11)3531-000 | контакт |
Curriculum |
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Curriculum 2014/15 onwards - Master academic studies | ||||||
The curriculum of the study program Master – academic studies consists of the total of 5 obligatory (4 one-semester and 1 two-semester ones) and 12 elective courses. A student has to pass in 8 courses, including professional and pedagogical practice as an integral part of some courses, and to elaborate the graduate thesis. The number of active teaching classes within the study program is 615 classes, out of which 405 classes are theoretical lectures and 210 classes are practical lectures and exercises. Out of the total number of ECTS credits of the study program Physical education and sport (60), obligatory courses carry the weight of 32 credit points (53.34%), and elective courses carry the weight of 16 credit points (26.67%). Elaboration of graduate thesis at this study program carries the weight of 12 ECTS credit points. Elective courses are grouped into two elective blocks and are studied in both semesters (winter and summer ones). Within elective blocks, students are allowed to choose one of the following elective courses (among others): Theory and technology of sports branch, Theory and technology of fitness, Theory and technology of recreation, which prepare them for work in these areas of sport as well. Students are offered to improve their knowledge in the field of corrective and pedagogical work within the elective course of Corrective gymnastics 2. The elective course Management in education and sport provides knowledge in the field of management in the system of education and sport. The elective course English language and academic writing educates students to write methodologically correct texts in English language, as well as to read and review professional and scientific literature relevant for the field of physical education and sport. Communicology in physical education and sport allows students to improve the fundamentals of communication within the education and sport systems. Additionally, students are allowed one course that will direct them towards research from the field of psychology, sociology, physiology of physical activity and biomechanics. Specifications of courses are provided in the Program specification of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education – Master academic studies of physical education and sport. Besides, the Program specification provides contents and a detailed description of courses. The description consists of the name of the course, names of professors and associates, the status of the course, the code of the subject, number of allocated ECTS credits, semester, weekly and yearly number of classes. The detailed specification contains a short description of the course, prerequisites that should be met if a student wants to attend a course, the aim of the course with the expected outcomes, contents of the course, a plan or a timetable by weeks, reference books, methods of teaching, types of tests and grading, as well as all other data on organization of classes and information for students about their rights and obligations.